const noopMiddleware = () => {};
module.exports = {
// Site settings.
// This is where you can put site-wide settings.
// Any values placed here are globally accessible
// from any template context via the `site` key.
site: {
title: 'My Reptar Title',
email: '',
description: "Your website's description goes here.\n",
baseurl: '', // the subpath of your site, e.g. /blog
url: '',
// Where things are.
// If you have a unique layout for your site and want to
// change where Reptar looks for certain files you can change
// them here. All files are relative to where this file is found.
path: {
source: './',
destination: './_site',
templates: './_templates',
data: './_data',
// Individual File configuration.
file: {
// What key from a File's frontmatter Reptar should use
// as the property to grab the URL of the file from.
urlKey: 'url',
// The format that your date values are formatted as.
// This is used when parsing date objects.
// This current format supports dates like 2016-2-28
// It uses moment.js under the head and its format syntax as well:
dateFormat: 'YYYY-M-D',
// Apply frontmatter values to a File based upon a defined scope.
// If the scope matches a File then the default values are applied if they
// are not already set.
defaults: [
// Any file in this path will have the default values applied.
scope: { path: './' },
values: { template: 'page', permalink: '/:title/' },
// Any file in this path will have the default values applied.
// Because this path is more specific it will over-write the previous
// defaults.
scope: { path: './_posts' },
values: { template: 'post', permalink: '/:title/' },
// Any file with this matching metadata will have the default values
// applied.
scope: { metadata: { draft: true } },
values: { template: 'draft' },
// Filter out Files.
filters: {
// If any of the metadata values match then the File is filtered out.
metadata: { draft: true },
// If the date is in the future then it is filtered out.
futureDate: {
// Customize what key we should use to pull the date value from.
key: 'date',
// This is where you configure your collections of content.
// For more details refer to the Collections documentation.
collections: {
post: {
path: './_posts',
template: 'index',
pageSize: 6,
sort: { key: 'date', order: 'descending' },
permalink: { index: '/', page: '/page/:page/' },
tag: {
metadata: 'tags',
template: 'tag',
pageSize: 6,
sort: { key: 'date', order: 'descending' },
permalink: { index: '/tag/:metadata/', page: '/tag/:metadata/:page/' },
// Configure how non-markdown files should be processed. This is primarily
// for js, less, sass, etc files.
// Reptar will iterate over this array of asset processors and find the first
// match using the `test` value, passing in the source file path.
// If the test value is a:
// string: it compares the file path from the beginning of the string.
// Example:
// filePath = '/my/file.less', test: 'less' will not match.
// filePath = '/my/file.less', test: '/my/file' will match.
// RegExp: will run filePath.match(regExp) for a match.
// function: will give the function the filePath value and must return
// a boolean.
// The `use` value defines what object to use when processing the asset.
// If the value for `use` is:
// string: Reptar will assume is an npm module and attempt to load it.
// object: The object must have two function properties,
// `calculateDestination` to define the destination path for an asset
// `render` to actually render the asset.
assets: [
test: 'less',
use: 'less',
test: /\.js$/,
use: 'browserify',
test: /\.s[ac]ss$/,
use: {
calculateDestination(destination) {
return destination.replace(/\.s[ac]ss$/, '.css');
render(filePath) {
return filePath;
// If we should remove the compile destination folder before writing.
cleanDestination: false,
// Slug options.
// Options passed to node-slug
slug: { lower: true },
// Markdown.
// This lets you customize how markdown is handled.
markdown: {
// What file extensions we should recognize as a markdown file.
extensions: ['markdown', 'mkdown', 'mkdn', 'mkd', 'md'],
// Options given directly when creating our markdown parser.
// Documentation here:
options: { preset: 'commonmark', highlight: true },
// Serving.
// When running `reptar serve` what settings should be used.
server: {
port: 8080,
host: '',
baseurl: '',
ignore: [
// Ignore files named 'ignored_file.js'.
// Ignore any file prefixed with ``.
// Ignore any files that has ``.txt`` in it.
filePath => filePath.indexOf('.txt'),
// Only build files that have changed.
// This is a performance improvement to the time it takes to build your site.
incremental: true,
// Where files created via `reptar new` should be placed.
newFilePermalink: '/_posts/:date|YYYY-:date|MM-:date|',
// What middlewares you want enabled and what configuration settings they
// should have. Can be either a string which assumes it's an npm module or
// a function which is the middleware itself, or an array of either.
middlewares: ['reptar-excerpt', noopMiddleware],
// Lifecycle methods are called at certain points in the lifecycle of Reptar.
// Each value can be either a string or a function or an array of either.
lifecycle: {
willUpdate: noopMiddleware,
didUpdate: noopMiddleware,
willBuild: noopMiddleware,
didBuild: noopMiddleware,