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import glob from 'glob';
import path from 'path';
import fs from 'fs-extra';
import resolve from 'resolve';
import _ from 'lodash';
import { getReptarPackageNames } from '../json';
import Parse from '../parse';
import Constants from '../constants';
import Asset from './asset';

 * Find all theme.yml files in node_modules.
 * @param {string} directory Directory to load package.json from.
 * @return {Array.<string>} Array of paths to theme.yml files.
function getThemesFromPackageJson(directory = '') {
  const reptarThemePackageNameRegex = /^reptar-theme-/;

  // All packages that exist in our root package.json file.
  const reptarPackages = getReptarPackageNames(directory);

  // Return only the path to the theme.yml file.
  return reptarPackages.reduce((packageThemes, packageName) => {
    if (!reptarThemePackageNameRegex.test(packageName)) {
      return packageThemes;

    // Use module's main field which should reference the config yaml file.
    const yamlPath = resolve.sync(packageName, {
      basedir: directory,


    return packageThemes;
  }, []);

export default class Theme {
  constructor({ config } = {}) {
     * The current theme name.
     * @type {string}
    this.name = '';

     * Raw object that holds the theme config object.
     * @type {Object}
    this.config = Object.create(null);

     * Collection of all assets for this theme.
     * @type {Object.<string, Asset>}
    this.assets = Object.create(null);

     * Data of asset names and paths that is exposed to templates.
     * @type {Object}
    this.data = Object.create(null);

     * @type {Config}
     * @private
    this._config = config;

  update() {
    this.name = this._config.get('theme');

    const configPath = this._config.get('path');

    // Find all theme config files that might exist.
    const fileSystemYamls = glob.sync(
      { nodir: true }

    const moduleYamls = getThemesFromPackageJson(configPath.source);

    const allYamls = [].concat(fileSystemYamls, moduleYamls);

    const files = allYamls.reduce((allFiles, file) => {
      let parsedFile;
      try {
        parsedFile = Parse.fromYaml(
          fs.readFileSync(file, 'utf8')
      } catch (e) {
        return allFiles;

      // If the found theme config file name matches our set theme name
      // then save it.
      if (_.get(parsedFile, 'name') === this.name) {
        // Save the directory where the correct theme file was found.
        parsedFile.path[Constants.SourceKey] = path.dirname(file);

      return allFiles;
    }, []);

    if (files.length === 0) {
      throw new Error(`Did not find any theme named '${this.name}' installed.`);
    } else if (files.length !== 1) {
      const names = files.join(',');
      throw new Error(`Found multiple themes with the same name: ${names}`);

    const parsedFile = files[0];

    // Save raw theme config.
    this.config = parsedFile;

    // Calculate absolute path of 'paths' keys.
    _.each(this.config.path, (val, key) => {
      if (key !== Constants.SourceKey) {
        // The root of the theme's destination is the site's destination.
        const rootPath = key === Constants.DestinationKey ?
          configPath.destination : this.config.path.source;

        const keyValue = this.config.path[key];

        // Support converting array of values to their absolute path.
        if (_.isArray(keyValue)) {
          this.config.path[key] = keyValue.map(value =>
            path.resolve(rootPath, value)
        } else {
          this.config.path[key] = path.resolve(rootPath, keyValue);


  _createAssets() {
    // Instantiate an Asset for every asset the theme configures.
    this.assets = _.reduce(
      (assets, assetConfig, assetType) => {
        assetConfig.destination = path.resolve(

        assetConfig.source = path.resolve(

        const asset = new Asset(assetType, assetConfig);
        assets[asset.id] = asset;
        return assets;

  async read() {
    const pathDestination = this._config.get('path.destination');

    // Have every asset write itself to the destination folder.
    await Promise.all(
      _.map(this.assets, asset => asset.process(pathDestination))

    // Expose every asset's data onto the theme's data object.
    _.each(this.assets, (asset) => {
      if (asset.data) {
        this.data[asset.type] = asset.data.url;

  async write() {
    // Have every asset write itself to the destination folder.
    await Promise.all(
      _.map(this.assets, asset => asset.write())