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import path from 'path';
import createChecksum from '../checksum';

export default class ProcessorBase {
  constructor(asset) {
     * The asset we're processing.
     * @type {Asset}
     * @private
    this._asset = asset;

     * Path from where to read the asset.
     * @type {string}
    this.assetSource = this._asset.config.source;

     * Path of where to write the asset.
     * @type {string}
    this.assetDestination = this._asset.config.destination;

     * What plugins to apply to the processor.
     * @type {Object}
    this.plugins = this._asset.config.processor.plugins;

     * Whether we should hash the file name.
     * @type {boolean}
    this.shouldHash = this._asset.config.processor.hash;

   * Public API that is used to process the asset.
   * @return {Promise} Returns a promise that resolves with the destination
   *  and actual content of the processed asset.
  async process() {
    const asset = await this._getFile();

    let destination = this._getDestination(asset);

    if (this.shouldHash) {
      this.checksum = createChecksum(asset).slice(0, 10);

      // Get destination extension, i.e. `.css`.
      const extension = path.extname(destination);

      // Append checksum to path.
      destination = destination.replace(
        new RegExp(`${extension}$`),

    return {

  _getDestination() {
    return this.assetDestination;