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Change Log

All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.

3.3.1 (2017-10-07)

Bug Fixes

  • Calculate correct destination path for files without a file extension (50a63f9)

3.3.0 (2017-10-04)

Bug Fixes

  • Allow unknown keys for markdown options config object. (781ccdf), closes #84


  • browsersync: added browswersync to watch command (2ac11f3)

3.2.0 (2017-05-21)

Bug Fixes

  • Reptar watch is failing sometimes with bad cookie request (1e6b64b), closes #75
  • When no file is found with reptar watch return a human friendly error. (664376c), closes #78
  • When parsing date objects assume they're in UTC (ad95ff8), closes #79


  • Add support for Reptar to ignore files entirely. (933f4d5), closes #77

3.1.0 (2017-04-17)


  • Add an API to reptar watch. (db9c52f)
  • Add CORS headers to API methods. (979a940)

3.0.1 (2017-03-26)

3.0.0 (2017-03-26)

Bug Fixes

  • Browserify asset to use reptar installed preset. (5fba067)
  • Change all config keys to use camelCase instead of snake case. (d2cd5de)
  • Fix compile command. (4fe9baa)
  • Fix reptar init to not depend on theme's anymore. (6aa40be)
  • Make asset string test values more strict and test against more cases. (5ef7e67)
  • Make reptar watch work again! (5c302c6)
  • Set more complete default config object. (9ca1e0f)


  • Add support for all middleware and lifecycle methods to be called (fac5dc0)
  • Add support for handling assets directly in reptar.config.js. (aa26d08)
  • Add support for loading mdiddlewares from npm. (2ab1c53)
  • Create FileSystem and Metadata classes to further break up functionality. (8b96681)
  • Create PluginManager and Renderer. Moving towards more instance based. (411608f)
  • Define path to your templates in your reptar.config.js file. (0328d32)
  • Major changes for v3. (769125b)
  • Move renderMarkdown to Renderer. (5e03563)
  • Move template render to Renderer (b360977)
  • Move to using reptar.config.js for configuring Reptar. (420a48c)
  • Show output of middlewares when running them. (1324ee1)


  • Themes are removed. You must now configure assets in your reptar.config.js.

This requires removing config.path.themes, config.theme, and optionally adding config.assets.

  • You no longer define the location to your templates in your theme file. You now must define that location in reptar.config.js under the path object.
  • Using _config.yml is no longer used. You must now use reptar.config.js in place of _config.yml. The main export needs to either be an object which is your config or a function that has to return your config object.
  • Remove plugins and move to middleware system for extensibility.

2.3.3 (2017-02-22)

Bug Fixes

  • esdoc: Fix esdoc generation. (9229ebf)
  • Make serve work on Windows (67019d9)

2.3.2 (2017-02-19)

Bug Fixes

  • Make scripts work on Windows (6c6fa1d)

2.3.1 (2016-12-15)

Bug Fixes

  • Disable deprecation warnings when running reptar for better output. (426596f)
  • watch: Prevent reptar watch from crashing when rebuilding. (60a72cf), closes #62

2.3.0 (2016-11-06)

Bug Fixes

  • theme: Safely access parsed _theme.yml file object. (77c0e4e), closes #55


  • plugin: Add Plugin.markdown.configure extension point. (1638e12), closes #54

2.2.0 (2016-10-29)

Bug Fixes

  • eslint: Ignore esdocs folder (df9cbfd)
  • metadata: Slugify all metadata values when creating collections. (1eb51a4)


  • Generate documentation with esdocs. (7ca3371), closes #20
  • log: Always log out warn level messages by default. (b67f170)
  • template: Better error message when templates are missing. (468147e), closes #49
  • Warn when there are two duplicate destination paths being used. (a33ae95), closes #53

2.1.0 (2016-10-21)

Bug Fixes

  • Better handling when we encounter errors building site. (bddb664)


  • cli: Add ability to pass --clean to reptar build. (687c965)
  • markdown: Add prism as an option for highlighting markdown. (71ac5ea)
  • template: Add new built-in filter 'groupbydate'. (ef49ce7)

2.0.0 (2016-10-19)

Bug Fixes

  • More robust path handling for data files. (2a08f4b)
  • cache: Put all cache .json files in a .reptar-cache folder. (87c6b28)
  • coverage, tests: Fix babel-plugin-isparta from breaking e2e tests. (b3d0e4a)
  • file: When File is filtered do not write its content to disk. (7215ada), closes #39
  • plugin: Remove collection events. (5538dc0)
  • sort: Fix sorting Files by key and when key is a date. (2589c8c)
  • test: Fix e2e tests fixtures. (46976cb)
  • theme: Add try/catch for theme to fix e2e tests. (352e18b)

Code Refactoring

  • Simplify external API. (001d350)
  • collection: Change schema for configuring Collections. (bfb189c)
  • config: Remove unused 'quiet' property. (74cb0c0)


  • config: Implement Config validation (88290fa), closes #10
  • Use spinners in console for better feedback. (48eb97b), closes #30
  • data: Support data files of .yaml or .json. (7941441), closes #32
  • file: Add support for setting default values on File via config. (7389309), closes #42
  • file: Read all files in source directory, irrespective of type. (e0ec30a)
  • markdown: Use markdown-it library to parse markdown. (9bdbf77), closes #34
  • serve: Just use Hapi as our web server. (b238130)
  • serve: Use server.baseurl when setting up server path. (7baed08)
  • template: Allow custom date formats. (6067af3)
  • watch: Use web server to implement more durable watch mode. (492a773), closes #43

Performance Improvements

  • file: Improve time it takes to check if File has frontmatter. (3e5ea36)


  • config: You must remove the 'quiet' property from your _config.yml. It's no longer supported.
  • collection: This creates a more intuitive config schema when configuring a Collection. It is only a re-structuring of existing properties.
  • markdown: This changes the library used to parse markdown to markdown-it. This also changes the _config.yml structure when defining how the markdown parser can be customized.
  • file: This moves filter configurations from Collections to File. This is required as we need to know if a File should be written to disk, and Collections delegate their behavior depending on how the File is configured. This is an easy transition, mostly moving the filter configuration from the Collection to File under the filters key.
  • plugin: Due to internal re-organizations there are no more collection before/after write events.
  • This changes the external API and makes it simpler. Now there's only new Yarn(), yarn.update() and yarn.build(). That's all that's needed to build your Yarn site.
  • file: We've removed a StaticCollection. You no longer need to specify every static file you have in your source directory, Yarn will now check every file in your source directory and check if it has frontmatter to decide whether it should process and copy the file, or just copy the file. This lets you put any file in your source directory and have it be automatically seen by Yarn and copied over.
  • file: This now changes where a File gets its template and permalink values from. Before a File inherited those values from the Collection in which it belonged. Now it's set directly on the File, either via its own frontmatter or from the defaults in the config.