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To get started developing Reptar locally:

OSX / Linux

git clone git@github.com:reptar/reptar.git
cd reptar
npm install

From there you're good to go!


First of all, if you're using Git Bash to clone the repo, then make sure that you enter this command into the terminal:

git config --global core.autocrlf false

It will ensure that all file line endings are in the LF format when cloning the repo, not the standard CRLF format that Windows uses. This is to comply with Reptar's ESLint rules.

Secondly, you might need to install some Windows build tools to make the node-gyp dependency work. This can be easily done by typing in the following into your terminal:

npm install --global --production windows-build-tools

(For more information visit this page)
If Reptar still give you errors about node-gyp after trying to install it you might need to download Python version 2 manually. During installation you need to set the PATH environment variable by clicking on a checkbox.

Finally move on to running the following commands to download Reptar and install its dependencies:

git clone git@github.com:reptar/reptar.git
cd reptar
npm install


The easiest way to add/modify/test features is by writing a test and then interacting with Reptar through there. You can start mocha in watch mode and then begin coding:

npm run test:unit -- --watch

Using development version of reptar

After you install Reptar locally you can use a debug version to quickly iterate on functionality.

The first thing you need to do is expose your local Reptar installation globally.

cd reptar
npm link

After you link Reptar you can run reptar and that will be pointing to your local installation of Reptar.

However if you make a modification to a Reptar source file you have to run npm run compile to transpile the latest code. This is a less than optimal work flow.

Instead you can also use reptar-debug as a drop in replacement for the reptar CLI tool. This file transpiles on the fly. Which allows for a workflow of editing a file and then using reptar-debug. No need for npm run compile in between.

Commit Messages

Reptar is using standard-version to standardize its commit messages. For a quick overview of what that looks like consult the quick start guide or look at previous commits.

By default a git-hook is installed to validate your commit message.

Additionally you should use commitizen to automate and streamline the process of creating properly formatted commit messages.

Cutting a release

When ready to cut a release just run npm run release. We're closely following the instructions on the standard-version documentation page.

Contributing to Reptar

Contributing to Reptar


Refer to DEVELOPMENT.md for docs on how to develop Reptar.


Tests are ran with mocha and written with ES2015+ JavaScript.

Run tests via:

npm test


We're using eslint for linting.

Lint locally via:

npm run lint



Class Summary

Static Public Class Summary

A collection that derives its content from the location of a file in the file system.


Handles all metadata about your site that will be accessible within every render context.


A collection that derives its content from a match in a files yaml frontmatter data.


Function Summary

Static Public Function Summary

ApiService(reptar: *): *


addCollections(reptar: *)


async addDataFiles(reptar: *)


addTemplateFilter(env: Object, name: string, func: Function, async: boolean)

Allow adding custom filters to the template engine.


async build(options: *)


async clean()


Exposed method to configure template engine.


Create checksum hash of input.


createCollection(name: *, collectionConfig: *, config: *, renderer: *): *


Create our Markdown engine.


This is a fast way to check if a file has frontmatter without reading all of its contents into memory.


futureDatesFilter(file: File, filterConfig: Object): boolean

Future date filter.


async init()


metadataFilter(file: File, filterConfig: Object): boolean

Metadata filter.


async new(args: *)


parse(str: string, options: Object): JSON

Parse a file with front matter.


Parse a YAML string into an object.


Given an obj it'll prune any properites that start with _.


async readDataFiles(dataPath: string): Object

Load all files in the given dataPath file and parse them into a JS object.


Render a piece of string from Markdown to HTML.


renderTemplate(env: Object, template: string, variables: object): string

Render a template with given context variables.


renderTemplateString(env: Object, str: string, variables: object): string

Render a string template with given context variables.


async serve()


Stringify an object to a YAML string.


stringify(str: string, data: Object): string

Stringify a document.


async watch(options: {})

Variable Summary

Static Public Variable Summary

ApiPlugin: {"register": *}


Constants: {"ConfigFilename": string, "SourceKey": string, "DestinationKey": string}


Url: {"interpolatePermalink": function, "slug": function, "setSlugOptions": function, "pathHasMarkdownExtension": function, "replaceMarkdownExtension": function, "makeUrlFileSystemSafe": function, "makePretty": function, "pathFromRoot": function}


cache: {"setNamespace": function, "load": function, "save": function, "clear": function, "put": function, "get": function}

2.0.0 (2016-10-19)

2.0.0 (2016-10-19)

Bug Fixes

  • More robust path handling for data files. (2a08f4b)
  • cache: Put all cache .json files in a .reptar-cache folder. (87c6b28)
  • coverage, tests: Fix babel-plugin-isparta from breaking e2e tests. (b3d0e4a)
  • file: When File is filtered do not write its content to disk. (7215ada), closes #39
  • plugin: Remove collection events. (5538dc0)
  • sort: Fix sorting Files by key and when key is a date. (2589c8c)
  • test: Fix e2e tests fixtures. (46976cb)
  • theme: Add try/catch for theme to fix e2e tests. (352e18b)

Code Refactoring

  • Simplify external API. (001d350)
  • collection: Change schema for configuring Collections. (bfb189c)
  • config: Remove unused 'quiet' property. (74cb0c0)


  • config: Implement Config validation (88290fa), closes #10
  • Use spinners in console for better feedback. (48eb97b), closes #30
  • data: Support data files of .yaml or .json. (7941441), closes #32
  • file: Add support for setting default values on File via config. (7389309), closes #42
  • file: Read all files in source directory, irrespective of type. (e0ec30a)
  • markdown: Use markdown-it library to parse markdown. (9bdbf77), closes #34
  • serve: Just use Hapi as our web server. (b238130)
  • serve: Use server.baseurl when setting up server path. (7baed08)
  • template: Allow custom date formats. (6067af3)
  • watch: Use web server to implement more durable watch mode. (492a773), closes #43

Performance Improvements

  • file: Improve time it takes to check if File has frontmatter. (3e5ea36)


  • config: You must remove the 'quiet' property from your _config.yml. It's no longer supported.
  • collection: This creates a more intuitive config schema when configuring a Collection. It is only a re-structuring of existing properties.
  • markdown: This changes the library used to parse markdown to markdown-it. This also changes the _config.yml structure when defining how the markdown parser can be customized.
  • file: This moves filter configurations from Collections to File. This is required as we need to know if a File should be written to disk, and Collections delegate their behavior depending on how the File is configured. This is an easy transition, mostly moving the filter configuration from the Collection to File under the filters key.
  • plugin: Due to internal re-organizations there are no more collection before/after write events.
  • This changes the external API and makes it simpler. Now there's only new Yarn(), yarn.update() and yarn.build(). That's all that's needed to build your Yarn site.
  • file: We've removed a StaticCollection. You no longer need to specify every static file you have in your source directory, Yarn will now check every file in your source directory and check if it has frontmatter to decide whether it should process and copy the file, or just copy the file. This lets you put any file in your source directory and have it be automatically seen by Yarn and copied over.
  • file: This now changes where a File gets its template and permalink values from. Before a File inherited those values from the Collection in which it belonged. Now it's set directly on the File, either via its own frontmatter or from the defaults in the config.