
Primarily you interact with Reptar via a command line interface.

After completing the installation of Reptar you can access all commands via typing reptar on the CLI to see all available options.

Here we'll discuss in a little more depth what options you have available.

reptar init

This scaffolds a new Reptar site. It creates all you need to build a Reptar site.

You typically only run this command when creating a new Reptar site.

reptar build

This builds your site. It uses your source files, configuration, and theme to create the output. By default the output site is created in _site folder however that can be configured.

reptar clean

This cleans the built files Reptar created.

This is useful if you think some files aren't being properly updated by Reptar or you just want to remove all derived files.

reptar new

Creates a new File on disk, ready for writing.

reptar serve

This creates a static web server with your built folder as the root.

This is useful to quickly preview your built Reptar site locally.

reptar watch

This creates a local web server that lazily builds your site. It makes for a great development experience as you can edit your site's source files and refresh a page to see the changes immediately reflected.

This is accomplished by only rendering the file that is being requested, always checking from disk what the latest contents are.

When using watch mode you can append ?debug to any URL to see the underlying data that is powering that File.