Class Summary
Static Public Class Summary | ||
public |
public |
public |
public |
public |
public |
A collection that derives its content from the location of a file in the file system. |
public |
Handles all metadata about your site that will be accessible within every render context. |
public |
A collection that derives its content from a match in a files yaml frontmatter data. |
public |
public |
public |
Function Summary
Static Public Function Summary | ||
public |
ApiService(reptar: *): * |
public |
addCollections(reptar: *) |
public |
async addDataFiles(reptar: *) |
public |
addTemplateFilter(env: Object, name: string, func: Function, async: boolean) Allow adding custom filters to the template engine. |
public |
async build(options: *) |
public |
async clean() |
public |
configureTemplateEngine(options: Object): Object Exposed method to configure template engine. |
public |
createChecksum(input: string): string Create checksum hash of input. |
public |
createCollection(name: *, collectionConfig: *, config: *, renderer: *): * |
public |
createMarkdownEngine(options: Object): Object Create our Markdown engine. |
public |
fileHasFrontmatter(filePath: string): Promise<boolean> This is a fast way to check if a file has frontmatter without reading all of its contents into memory. |
public |
futureDatesFilter(file: File, filterConfig: Object): boolean Future date filter. |
public |
async init() |
public |
metadataFilter(file: File, filterConfig: Object): boolean Metadata filter. |
public |
async new(args: *) |
public |
Parse a file with front matter. |
public |
Parse a YAML string into an object. |
public |
prunePrivateProperties(obj: Object, isPrivate: Function): Object Given an obj it'll prune any properites that start with |
public |
async readDataFiles(dataPath: string): Object Load all files in the given dataPath file and parse them into a JS object. |
public |
renderMarkdown(md: Object, str: string): string Render a piece of string from Markdown to HTML. |
public |
renderTemplate(env: Object, template: string, variables: object): string Render a template with given context variables. |
public |
renderTemplateString(env: Object, str: string, variables: object): string Render a string template with given context variables. |
public |
async serve() |
public |
Stringify an object to a YAML string. |
public |
Stringify a document. |
public |
async watch(options: {}) |
Variable Summary
Static Public Variable Summary | ||
public |
ApiPlugin: {"register": *} |
public |
public |
Url: {"interpolatePermalink": function, "slug": function, "setSlugOptions": function, "pathHasMarkdownExtension": function, "replaceMarkdownExtension": function, "makeUrlFileSystemSafe": function, "makePretty": function, "pathFromRoot": function} |
public |
cache: {"setNamespace": function, "load": function, "save": function, "clear": function, "put": function, "get": function} |